Introducing the Climate & Sustainability Working Group
Leading the way in Telecoms Net Zero
In January 2023, the DCF convened the first of a regular series of working group meetings. The DCF Climate & Sustainability Working Group is comprised of focused and driven representatives from across the telecoms and connectivity sector.
The aim of the working group is to facilitate UK Telecoms collaboration, enabling the acceleration of individual and industry path(s) towards net zero.
As with all industries, the UK telecoms sector is a complex organism, in which each individual player is part of a larger machine, particularly when it comes to carbon emissions and sustainability. An example of this is how the majority of UK telecom providers carbon footprint(s) typically result from their supply chain.
Recognising this complexity, the working groups first priority is to develop a net zero priority action list covering the UK telecoms sector, focusing on three main themes; e-waste, supply chain and operational efficiency.
The DCF Climate & Sustainability Working Group (CSWG) provides a platform for expert voices to come together in a way that is representative of the digital connectivity value chain to make meaningful progress on the path towards net zero.
The CSWG will collaborate, source evidence and provide expert recommendations to Government, regulators and the industry via the DCF executive. Through this it aims to support the development of policies, particularly those pertaining to climate and sustainability, which recognise and deliver on digital connectivity’s ability to empower positive societal change and economic growth as we journey towards net zero.
The group is chaired by Will Ennett, Head of Sustainability at TalkTalk, who had this to say regarding the working group and its ambitions.
“We’ve identified an opportunity for a body that is specific to telecoms, and specific to the UK and Irish markets, to come together and actively collaborate on reducing the environmental impact of our sector.
It’s a real pleasure to bring together so many great experts on the topic of sustainability, and we look forward to starting by working on measures which can reduce the sector’s carbon footprint.“
Will Ennett, Head of Sustainability, TalkTalk and DCF Climate & Sustainability Working Group Chair
If you would be interested in joining the DCF executive or getting involved with the Climate & Sustainability Working Group please get in touch with us.