Boosting Broadband the Ofcom way

Boosting Broadband the Ofcom way

The end of 2018 saw Ofcom launching a campaign to motivate people to get better broadband deals and understand the market better. This follows Ofcom’s own research revealing that whilst 94% of homes and businesses have access to super-fast broadband, take up remains at fewer than half.

The Boost Your Broadband campaign focuses on three key areas:

  • Checking what broadband (standard, superfast or ultrafast) is available in the area
  • Getting advice as to the optimum package to suit the household needs (basic browsers, super streamers or data hungry)
  • Help on finding the best deals around and guidance on questions to ask providers

Running alongside the campaign, Ofcom has proposed new rules to oblige broadband, telephone and pay-TV providers to inform customers on the best deals or tariffs available. A review of broadband pricing is also underway, with Ofcom CEO Sharon White stating that, “we’re reviewing broadband pricing practices and ensuring customers get clear, accurate information from their provider about the best deals they offer.” Mobile companies will also fall into the scope of this review as Ofcom looks into how charges on handsets are bundled with airtime into a one contract.

The findings will be published later this year.