BSG CEO addresses European eInclusion Ministerial Conference
BSG CEO Antony Walker was among the speakers at the eInclusion Ministerial Conference, held in Vienna.
Discussing ‘Future broadband challenges: the long term view’, Walker set out the immediate challenges he saw, and the key issues that need to be addressed in the long term.
In the near term, Walker highlighted that the outlook for investment in next generation broadband was very different across the various European markets, and the current economic climate made investment more challenging. Therefore, it was even more important that public and regulatory policy makers use the various levers at their disposal to encourage market-led deployment.
The key long-term challenge is likely to be the rise of a new digital divide, as next generation broadband will almost certainly not be deployed ubiquitously within markets. Thinking is therefore required now, to determine how each nation plans to address this challenge, when the time comes.
Antony Walker, ‘Future broadband challenges’ – speech in full