BSG appoints Plum Consulting to undertake economic value work
The Broadband Stakeholder Group has appointed Plum Consulting to undertake research into the economic and social value of next generation broadband to the UK
This research has been commissioned in response to Recommendation 1 in the BSG’s ‘Pipe Dreams?’ report, which highlighted the need to define the framework for measuring the economic and social value of next generation broadband in order to create an evidence base that can support policy making.
Plum, together with the BSG, will develop a conceptual framework for understanding the potential economic and social value that could accrue from the widespread availability and take-up of next generation broadband services, and the social and economic shortfall that might result from late deployment or incomplete coverage or adoption. The work is being supported by BERR and the Ofcom Consumer Panel.
The final report will be published in the Spring of 2008.