Latest BDUK figures show 4.17m premises passed
The latest figures for the Government’s BDUK programme have been published and show that more than 4 million premises have now been provided with access to a superfast broadband connection under it.
The BDUK programme is a publicly funded project (£1.7bn) designed to complement private sector investment in the deployment of superfast broadband (24Mbit/s), with the aim to reach over 95% of UK premises by the end of 2017. Thanks to private investment and the BDUK programme it is estimated that superfast broadband coverage is currently around 91% of premises.
Around 150,000 homes have been passed thanks to BDUK supported projects. For the programme as a whole the number of premises passed per £1million of BDUK expenditure is 8,377. This doesn’t include premises which may have benefited from an uplift in bandwidth but remain under the 24 Mbit/s threshold.
Whilst the programme has slowed slightly in recent quarters this is to be expected as the premises targeted becoming more challenges – either in highly rural areas or those that are on exchange only lines.