Businesses connectivity needs to be reviewed by Government
Earlier this month, a survey by the Manufacturer’s Association (EEF) found that internet connectivity was increasingly central to manufacturer’s operations and that Britain’s success in leading the fourth industrial revolution relied on improvements to affordability and internet infrastructure. In a keynote speech at the EEF annual conference today, Business Secretary Sajid Javid announced the review of business broadband “to reduce the barriers to affordable, high-quality fibre-broadband???.
Details of the review have not yet been released but Government indicates that the review, to be led jointly with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), will assess “what steps can be taken to encourage choice and competition??? to “help drive down prices while delivering a better service???. The review will include an assessment of the broadband speeds that businesses need and the role that leased lines play in the market.
Broadband connectivity is crucial for businesses; contributing in increasing their productivity and innovation, yet their connectivity needs (current and future) are not well understood. The BSG published in September 2015 a report on current and future connectivity requirements of small businesses and found business’s needs (downstream and upstream) are as varied as their composition.
The Broadband Stakeholder Group looks forward to contributing to this review.