BSG supports Digital Scotland, 22 May 2013

BSG supports Digital Scotland, 22 May 2013

Digital Scotland The Broadband Stakeholder Group is pleased to be a partner of NextGen’s Digital Scotland Conference.

This unique Conference will bring together a wide variety of parties with interests and responsibilities in Scotland’s Digital Future. Speakers will include representatives from Scottish Government, civic and local authorities, community leaders, key businesses enterprises and the networking and digital applications industry, including our own CEO Pamela Learmonth.

Topics to be discussed will include smart cities, machine to machine technology, digital innovation, connectivity in rural and remote areas, digital service technologies, the implications for job creation as well as the wider benefits to society. The keynote address will be delivered by Nicola Sturgeon MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities. The format of the conference comprises presentations, panel discussions and break-out sessions as well as ample networking opportunities. There will be a digital expo where world-class digital strengths and technologies are exhibited and demonstrated.

The conference is free of charge to attend.

For more information and to register visit