iPlayer Day
To celebrate the iPlayer’s first anniversary since its soft launch, the BBC’s Internet blog has been blogging on a variety of iPlayer issues for iPlayer Day.
The blog has produced some interesting discussions, particularly their developments for delivery on multiple platforms, such as games consoles and mobiles as well as over broadband and cable networks. It was interesting to note that views over Virgin Media’s cable service accounted for a third of all iPlayer programmes viewed in September.
iPlayer has had a successful first year, with over 180m programmes watched. It has not been without controversy, however: data from one ISP suggested that iPlayer was responsible for 5% of all traffic on their network, and the BBC came under increasing pressure for its impact on ISP and consumer costs.
The debate about the impact of iPlayer on the network seems to have calmed down (or perhaps it is just simmering under?). Either way, it is here to stay, and perhaps its continued popularity will catalyse further debates that need to be held across the value chain.
Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG