The Intellect 'After 5' seminar on Thursday 17
November: Telecomms
One of a series of five thought-provoking seminars hosted by Intellect and the WDA (Welsh Development Agency):
Thursday 17 November 2005 – TELECOMS
From 17:00 – 20:00 hrs @ Intellect Conference Suite, Russell Square House 10-12 Russell Square, London WC1B 5EE
The ‘After 5’ seminar series looks at topical issues relating to: outsourcing; telecoms; data security; GRID computing and telematics – highlighting different perspectives on offer to nimble technology companies.
The Speakers for this Thursday 17 November will be:
Andy Williamson, CTO, Broadband Wales and Ann Benyon, Director, BT Wales
The telecoms industry is responding to demand for broader-band services, but what happens next? Join us at the ‘After 5′ Telecoms seminar which will take a look at issues surrounding this topical subject.
Broadband Wales’ CTO, Andy Williamson will examine the future of communications, mobility and convergence and how these increasingly impact on today’s sophisticated IT systems. Andy will explain how Wales is gearing up its broadband infrastructure to meet these imperatives.
Ann Beynon will give an overview of BT’s investments in Wales, such as the 21st Century Network (21CN) – the world’s most radical next generation network transformation programme – and the challenges this presents. Ann will set this against the backdrop of BT’s significant investments in Wales, such as its datacentre.
Dates for future seminars in 2006:
- Thursday 19 January: Data Security
- Thursday 16 February: GRID Computing
- Thursday 16 March: Telematics