News from the seminar on Ofcom's Spectrum Framework Review Implementation Plan, held 16 March 2005
Spectrum Framework Review Implementation Plan
Ofcom published its Spectrum Framework Review (SFR) in November 2004. This extends and consolidates earlier publications relating to spectrum management, especially those making it possible for licensees to buy and sell spectrum in the market (“spectrum trading???) and reducing or removing unnecessary restrictions and constraints on spectrum use (“spectrum liberalisation???).
The Spectrum Framework Review Implementation Plan was published in January 2005 and was open to public consultation until 24 March. This document addresses how the vision for spectrum management set out in the SFR can be implemented in two key areas. It meets Ofcom’s commitment to provide a “roadmap??? for these changes in spectrum management.
Ofcom hosted a seminar on 16 March 2005 for Intellect and BSG members to explore the commercial opportunities which new spectrum awards will create for businesses in the UK and examine how best to facilitate the delivery of this new framework in practice.